Samstag, 30. April 2011


4 Kommentare:

Watzenböck hat gesagt…

Watzenböck hat gesagt…


Watzenböck hat gesagt…

Watzenböck hat gesagt…

We do not die once. We all die many times. Life does that to us with our losses, our betrayals, our own mistakes and emptying out. But we also resurrect on a regular basis as well. We forgive, we are forgiven, we bottom out, we move on, we give birth anew thus that life and death are more synergetic that we usually imagine them to be. “God’s exit is her entrance,” as Meister Eckhart put it. The depths of the valley of death do not overcome the power of life which makes things new again. Injustice seems to triumph so often but justice will have the last word provided we live and work for it.

To me these are some of the passages that the Good Friday/Easter Sunday archetype bring to awareness. There is no resurrection without visiting Hades (the story is that Saturday following his death Jesus visited the underworld). Good Friday rules for a short period. But the longer period is the new life and the victory over death and the fear of death that Easter Sunday represents. It is that hope that rises daily with every new sun. Moving beyond the fear of death we can live fully again and cease our immortality projects, our empire building and pyramid constructing (wall street too) and get on with…living. Which is sharing. Heschel: “Just to be is holy; just to live is a blessing.” Now our fear of death does not have to rule our lives. Now we can live fully, generously and creatively.