Mittwoch, 28. August 2013

(Augustinus, Bekenntnisse)

„Groß bist du, Herr, und über alles Lob erhaben. Und da will der Mensch dich preisen, dieser winzige Teil deiner Schöpfung. Du selbst regst ihn dazu an; denn du hast uns zu dir hin geschaffen, und unruhig ist unser Herz, bis es ruht in dir.“
Sag mir in der Fülle deiner Erbarmung, mein Herr und mein Gott, was du mir bist! Sag zu meiner Seele: Dein Heil bin ich. Sag es so, dass ich es höre!“

Rosh Hashanah, meaning Head of the Year.

The universe has a soul. All that exists in the soul exists in space and in time.
In the cosmic soul there is a mind, a consciousness from which all conscious life extends.
In space, there is the Land of Israel, a space from where all space is nurtured.
In time, there is Rosh Hashanah, a time from which all time is renewed.
Rosh Hashanah, meaning Head of the Year. Not just a starting point, but a head. For whatever will transpire in the coming year is first conceived in these two days.

Mittwoch, 21. August 2013

Connect with the Infinite

Every moment,
every human activity
is an opportunity to connect with the Infinite.
Every act can be an uplifting of the soul.
It is only your will that may stand in the way.
But as soon as you wish,
you are connected.

Dienstag, 20. August 2013

Do good beyond reason

The world is not a reasonable place.
Meet it on its own terms: when you do something good, do it beyond reason.

Sonntag, 18. August 2013

Good intention

Sometimes it happens that you set out to do something with the best of intentions—and you end up with what appears the opposite.
Know with absolute certainty—because this is a tradition of our sages—that if your true intent is good, then from it only good can emerge.
Perhaps not the good you intended—or care for—but good nevertheles

Mittwoch, 7. August 2013

Mirroring each other

People are mirrors for each other.
If you see the faults of another person and they don't leave you alone, it is truly your own faults you see.
This is G-d's great kindness to us, for without this mirror-effect
we would never be able to determine our true faults.

Dienstag, 6. August 2013

Dig deeper

Our souls are not broken that they should need repair,
nor deficient that they should need anything added.
Our souls need only to be uncovered
and allowed to shine.

Sonntag, 4. August 2013

Delight to anguish

The very fact you know about someone who is in trouble means that in some way you are able to help.
Otherwise, why would this knowledge have entered your world?

Donnerstag, 1. August 2013

Making a point of another's fault

Looking from the heavenly realm, all G‑d’s creatures look very good. He has great delight in all He has made.
But when one person makes a point of another’s faults, that heavenly delight is transformed into a cloud of pain and anguish—over the very head of the one who spoke those words.

Words from the heart

Talk is powerful. Speak bad about someone and you expose all the ugliness in him, in yourself and in whoever happens to be paying attention. Once exposed, the wound begins to fester and all are hurt.
Speak good about the same person, and the inner good within him, within you and within all who participate begins to shine.